
Propaganda Poster Rebuttals

Did you know?

The original Constitution of the united states that was ratified in 1789 had only one reference to religion: [Article 6] No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.
Did You Know?

THAT to take the "Original Constitution of 1789" is to CENSOR THE BILL OF RIGHTS! [1791], for which the only argument against at the time was FEAR that including A Provision of assured limitations may imply otherwise unlimitation on Federal Government's Power!
Federalist 84
 bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do?
Think in that frame of mind when you consider modern stifling of Public Prayer, Religious Memorial desecration, and banning religious discussion and the very Bible from schools, by GOVT.

The de facto motto of the United States, adopted as part of the Great Seal of the U.S. by an Act of Congress in 1782 was E. Plurivus Unum (Out of Many, One). Congress changed it 174 years later (1956) to "In God We Trust"

DID YOU KNOW!? THAT on the reverse side of the Great Seal is a Symbol for God's Providence, an 'All Seeing eye' and an unfinished pyramid.

"Annuit cœptis" - Annuit "to nod" or "to approve", and coeptis, "commencement, undertaking"   it is literally translated, "He approves (has approved) of the undertakings"

"Novus ordo seclorum" - "New Order of the Ages"

The original 'Pledge of Allegiance' was written in 1892 by Baptist Minister Francis Bellamy who DID NOT INCLUDE the words "Under God." Those were added by Congress 62 years later (1954).

DID YOU KNOW!? THAT the original pledge of allegiance came with an outstretched arm salute exactly like the "HEIL HITLER" salute. [If I wanted to play their little game, I could suggest that maybe they'd like to revert to that tradition along with the erasure of "Under God"].

The U.S. didn't issue Paper Currency until 1861, and 'In God We Trust' didn't appear on it for 96 years (1957).

DID YOU KNOW!? THAT few coins were minted in the thirteen colonies that became the United States in 1776, foreign coins like the Spanish dollar were widely circulated. Colonial governments sometimes issued paper money to facilitate economic activity, but Commodities such as tobacco, beaver skins, and wampum served as money at various times and places. Because the framers of the Constitution sought to limit the issuance of currency, they explicitly prohibited the states from issuing bills of credit. British colonies in North America would issue bills of credit in order to deal with financial crises, although doing so repeatedly would result in inflation. The documents would circulate as if they were currency, and colonial governments would accept them as payment for debts like taxes. They were not always considered legal tender for private debts. The preceding 'motto' for coinage was "Mind your business".

It seems an oversight of the author of this polemic that they should not mention any coinage or pre-United States bills and what they did or did not have on them.

Just after the Red Scare in the 1950's, CONGRESS CHANGED the Pledge of Allegiance and our Nation's Motto over the FEAR of COMMUNISM.
DID YOU KNOW!? THAT the red scare should have been received as much scarier, not only for widely corrupt methods used by Sen. McCarthy, but the innumerable REAL communists that had infiltrated media and govt. 

In a time when fear is traded like a commodity, and the word SOCIALISM is being used to create the same fear as the old word COMMUNISM, let's REMEMBER that our country was NOT founded on fear. NO, OUR NATION was founded out of HOPE for a better world where all people were equal, - that we were ONE from MANNY.

DID YOU KNOW!? THAT "Ad Hominem" is Latin, meaning appeal to emotion rather than reason.and that socialism and communism aren't just emotionally received words, but political and economic philosophies which as defined by the so called Scare Mongers, can be demonstrably shone to have been implemented in the US today. Socialism is the Collective [thru government] ownership or control [regulation] of segments of the economy. A loose definition of Communism or Marxism goes by quote from Karl himself "From Each According To His Ability to Each According to His Need", by this we describe REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, as Marxist.

Let's not let fear change our nation's great tradition and direction again.


Marx: I told you I was right REBUTTAL:

LMAO!!!~ mno
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


Glenn Beck, The New McCarthyism REBUTTAL:

Andrew McCarthy, A Senator who used his GOVERNMENTAL authority to hold hearings questioning people esp. those in govt or entertainment, as to their loyalty & possible affiliation with the Communist Party a Known accomplice to an enemy of the United States, The USSR. There were many many communists in the US engaged in very subversive actions, particularly Hollywood & Govt.; however the disreputable methods in 'finding guilt' cast an ever widening net hauling in the innocent with the 'guilty'. The "Red Scare" should have scared the crap out of you in more ways than one; both in that there were so many ACTUAL COMMUNISTS in the US & how our representatives were dealing with it.
Glenn Beck, Talk Show Host, has shown people, esp. in government, saying things in their own words, then questioning if they said this then, when was their 'come to Jesus moment' where they suddenly become capitalists? & if they haven't had one [as either the question was ignored, or the comments were dismissed as jokes in spite of plane policy] how have they been able to get into govt.? and what is their agenda!? Beck's are more the actions of a JOURNALIST [not that he's ever claimed to be one, although he's read Walter Lippmann...].
I might remind you that there were no witches in Salem [or Europe, where they lasted a LOT longer], just psychotropic ergot poisoning. There WERE Communists in US Govt. & Hollywood, not that it excuses the methods.
Beck never called for Self Avowed Communist Van Jones to be fired, much less imprisoned.
Jones being 'Green Jobs Czar': Green Jobs being encouraged by anything but the free market is itself Anti-Capitalist!
Obama was raised by Communists, mother, father, step father, & grand parents, his mentor Communist-Poet Frank Marshal Davis was the one who convinced Obama to go to Chicago.
Obama In his own words
"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists, and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neoclonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarcy, " -Dreams From My Father
Need I list Obama's record as Prez? A Not so Trojan Horse [defined as Single Payer by its author] "Obama-Care", The Keynesian Stimulus, The Financial Bill institutionalizing "Too Big To Fail" [FYI BAILOUTS ARE SOCIALISM], Obama's "Rural Council" the agenda 21 nightmare of regulation, & The Current "Jobs Bill" IE 2nd 'stimulus' of around 1 Trillion dollars.
If he's a capitalist, I'm a giraffe.


White privilege is a myth propagated long after its death; reborn of the violent ignorance of racism among non-whites; combined with an assumption that the majority of the majority [‘whites’] hold interest in, and authority to, suppress ppl for their skin color.
It is a racial scapegoating belligerently ignorant of the quantifiable and common discrepancies between levels of success which coincide with certain cultures and values held transcending race.
The UNCONSTITUTIONAL law, today, demands Racial preference for non-whites.

LMAO, Its hilarious that leftists are so indoctrinated that they think they have ANY ‘Facts’. But its sad that leftists don’t recognize the necessity of applying VALUES. And its sickening that leftists are so pathetically ignorant as to believe the bile spewed about Glenn without even checking what he actually says.


No questions, Only statements.

a term of disparate meaning.
There is National-Socialism/Fascism, which when materially compared with International-Socialism/Communism, both are shown to be nothing more than Imperial Fascism with a difference of Capitols.
There is Patriotic Nationalism of varying meaning for more than the number of countries on the planet.
There is Hitler’s “Unpatriotic Nationalism” which is ethno-racial.
There is the simple belief in having a Nation-State juxtaposed to an international governance, Nation states having definitive borders, a common language, and set of philosophies cultural civic and social.
There can be no comparison what-so-ever between the Aryan pan German Racial Totalitarian Collectivist ethos with American Melting Pot MultiEthnic ethos of Inclusion based upon ideals of individual freedom. [you pathetically ignorant scumbag]
The tea parties by its very nature is against high taxes, and the large size of government. that is definitively their message and it has nothing to do with authoritarianism but in that it is completely against it.

Economically this term refers to "The Market Picking Winners And Losers" Hitler's Germany specifically "Picked Winners & Losers". It might also infer the lack of charity whereas the Tea Parties is pro-charity.
Eugenics is the non-econo-centric meaning which has no association of promotion from the Tea Parties, but rather the American Far Left, historically.

Is the coerced belief in a specific dogma, to the exclusion of hearing alternative evidence. The tea party itself is not one organization but a movement of disparate organizations only associated by broad ideals [of lower taxes & smaller govt.] and name. The Hitler youth is no comparison. This propganda poster however is 'indoctrination' as it is a slanderous lie about the opposition aimed at denying even the exploration of dissenting beliefs, by comparison to Nazism; Godwin's law anyone?

The tea parties only rejects the system of a centrally planned economy and society by so called 'intellectuals', IE authoritarianism of the "Philip Dru Administration" model, which is the antithesis of freedom.
Hitler's was a Hoover-esque, "Rationalized" planning model, akin to FDR's experimentations, that is do what worked with no allegiance to political dogma.
The Tea Parties only political dogma is "Smaller Government, Lower Taxes".

The Tea Parties have never been about war one way or another, solely stitched together by the broad based principles of Smaller Govt. Lower Taxes.
The Nazis were Imperialistic in that they wished to spread their racial eugenics and Centrally Planned Socialism across the globe.
The various stances for and against US Military Policy within the Tea Parties are utterly incomparable.

You know who else is anti-communist? Free Marketeers, Merchantalists, every non communist that there is in the world, and lady bugs. Communism is the economically the most FAIL system ever devised in the world, for man's freedom and his LIFE. Every advocate for an economic system with codified property rights is against the destruction of property rights IE Communism.
As for the implied "McCarthyism" BS: There were many many communists in the US engaged in very subversive actions, particularly Hollywood & Govt.; however the disreputable methods in ‘finding guilt’ cast an ever widening net hauling in the innocent with the ‘guilty’. The “Red Scare” should have scared the crap out of you in more ways than one; both in that there were so many ACTUAL COMMUNISTS in the US & how our representatives were dealing with it.

As defined as "Forced redistribution of wealth with a hostility towards individual property under the guise of charity and or justice."??? We already have terms for voluntary giving and equal protection under the law, which are"Charity" and "Civic Equality", both being the antithesis of Governmental Redistribution and the Unequal Preference promoted today as "Social Justice".
The term seems to have once held the opposite meaning which can explain some of the confusion today. But plz stop calling Jesus a Socialist out of complete ignorance.


The Heart, deceitful? Wicked beyond cure? hmmm

Jeremiah 17:9 warns: "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?"

I saw this most recently in a clip of Billy Graham's sermon, which seemed to take the road of "shaming into piety", which didn't resonate with me at all.

I've often questioned the various versions of this passage with the "Desparately Wicked"'s and "Exceedingly Corrupt"'s http://bible.cc/jeremiah/17-9.htm

but in Clarke's commentary, the completeness of the translation is questioned:

" אנש anash is never used in Scripture to denote wickedness of any kind. My old MS. Bible translates thus: - Schrewid is the herte of a man: and unserchable: who schal knowen it?"

Recognizing a peculiar aspect of western culture: that [the Adventurous and ideal] "Romanticism" grew into the modern "Romance" [that means emotional relations], while retaining associations with the human heart; it seems to me this has changed our perception of it.

My being less the Hebrew scholar than even Martin Luther [who admitted he knew nothing of the grammar], I cannot be remotely sure that this idea of mine is sound. But I think this Jeremiah verse, modernly is taken too far to condemn 'man's heart'. It seems to me the older meaning of "The Human Heart" was not at all synonomous with love or tenderness or compassion; but of hot blood, rashness, and perhaps even anger and pride.

My education is far to scarce on these matters to be sure; but that's why I can't nail down a theology for myself.


Easy Equality sacrificed for Impossible Acceptance

Marriage being and always having been between a man and a woman culturally, religiously, legally: the SANE method for EQUALITY FOR ALL, and not just homosexuals; is the legality of “Civil Union” contracts with all the privileges as a Marriage Contract. Either by simple standardization, under separate titles, [to which no human in the nation objects], or the replacement of govt. issued “Marriage” with civil union contracts.

The only thing preventing equality under the law, is the belligerent culture that demands accepting a moral sameness which AINT NEVER GONNA HAPPEN, under the guise of ’equality’. This culture [demanding moral acceptance] is a sickness born ironically from the psychotic belief that “gender is socially constructed” [seeing as the condemnation of having a moral judgment upon the behavior, requires a belief that one is “born that way”].

You don’t have to agree with my reasoning, but if your reaction to it, is a personal attack on me, [IE you’re a “Homo-phobe” or “Hatemonger”] check yourself, your missing your critical thinking, maybe it dribbled out your ears when you weren’t looking.

Yes, you can reject the moral relativism while still embracing sexual libertariandism; You deserve equality and freedom, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get to judge you [as in have an opinion not mortally or legally condemn] for your choices & behavior.


Unthoughtful Argument 2nd draft

Some people like to describe abortion, solely as “a woman’s right to choose. Others espouse the equality of unborn children, male or female, in their “right to life”. The term ‘murder’ by definition refers solely to death caused by choice. In fact the Biblical Commandment translates more accurately “thou shalt not murder”. 
In triage situations, that is the prioritizing of patients, the doctor is not held legally responsible for what may otherwise have been medical neglect. Thus in the rare cases where abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother, none would espouse the doctor’s being held legally responsible for “Murder”.
I have always espoused the relinquishing of the legal issue of abortion [as to the sacrosanct threshold of HUMAN Life] from federal to “state-by-state” jurisdiction. The promotion of so-called-abortion for three year olds, demonstrates the madness present on the fringes of academia.
For a comical allegory of the generally “to crazy to argue with” situation see this link. I find it quite applicable to any who would espouse late term or partial birth abortion, accepting triage of course.
It should be troubling to everyone, that the proliferation of birth control & abortion originated with Margaret Sanger & her “Planned Parenthood” group. Sanger who was a racist, that promoted birth control among “socially undesirable people” aka nonwhites, first openly, as a racially motivated ‘soft-genocide’ & after a trip to Europe she promoted birth control among the black communities for “social reasons”.
“[the] most merciful thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it.” -Margaret Sanger



Egyptian Revolution

The Jerusalem Post - 

"There is one easily missed word in the speech that is most significant, the word 'hypocrites.' In the Islamic lexicon, 'hypocrites' means Muslims who do not practice true Islam according to the radicals. To take Egypt out of hands of hypocrites is to put it in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood or at least similarly minded people which contrary to the best and brightest policymakers, intelligence analysts, experts and journalists is not a moderate organization."



 My Youtube Playlist defining the Egyptian Revolution - http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=FC14F08615468F4D
-Just some points to remember-

The Muslim Brotherhood Or "Ikhwan" supposedly makes up "only" 10-20% of Egyptians.

The Brotherhood claims not to be seeking "Political Power" but they do not need The 'Presidency' [as they defined 'political power thereby], freedom of influence is all they need to grow their cause.

The Brotherhood's slogan is- "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."

An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group In North America 5/22/1991 - http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/20.pdf

The Brotherhoood had its hands in the so-called "Freedom Flotilla" [along with code pink] -   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dE2StbDL_Q&p=ABE4C6D637D37FEE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUOeBWDJfR0&p=ABE4C6D637D37FEE

The Brotherhood created the Terrorist organization "Hamas" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzK114-Q8zg&p=ABE4C6D637D37FEE

The Brotherhood helped organize the Egyptian Riots/Protests which from day to day ranged wildly from as peaceful as anyone could ask, Christians watching over Muslims as they prayed & Muslims Defending Christians- to blood in the streats, lynchings & medieval warfare against between Protestors & Pro-Mubarak, [allegedly paid] 'counter-protestors'.


Dead Wrong: Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Demands Sharia Slavery 
by Paul Cooper April 23 2011


the Muslim Brotherhood has finally admitted they are aiming to bring violent extremes of Sharia to the people of Egypt and a sure destruction to relations with Israel.

The independent news source Al-Masry al-Youm reported last week that Muslim Brotherhood leaders have finally admitted to wanting Egyptian government to be based on Sharia law:
Mahmoud Ezzat, the Muslim Brotherhood’s deputy Supreme Guide, said in a forum held in the Cairo district of Imbaba on Thursday that the group wants to establish an Islamic state after it achieves widespread popularity through its Freedom and Justice Party. Meanwhile, Brotherhood leader Saad al-Husseiny, said at the forum that the group aims to apply Islamic legislation and establish Islamic rule.
The reaction by moderates and Coptic Christians is near panic.  Even some of them had been convinced or at least hoped that the Brotherhood had changed its ways.  With these recent revelations, Christian groups in Cairo are canceling Easter service invitations to Brotherhood members.  Abdel Maseeh Baseet, the pastor of the Church of Saint Marie in Mostorod, Egypt said we now know the true plans of the Brotherhood and it’s time for the rest of us to realize it:
This way of thinking is rejected both locally and internationally. The world is not ready for a Taliban-style state.
the rest is omfg territory

May 02, 2011

Are Democratic Elections Feasible in the Middle East?

By Robert Weissberg

Americans are hopelessly infatuated with "democracy" and relentlessly try to export it.  The recent "Arab Spring" testifies to the seductive power of our proselytizing.  Protestors often demand "freedom and democracy" but mesmerizing slogans aside, why is "democracy" so valuable or what it does it mean to those risking life and limb for it?  The hard truth is that tribalism prone Arab nations will not become democratic.  Democracy cannot be commanded into existence; it requires a complex culture to flourish and that culture is in short supply in today's Middle East.



Senior Ikwhan Member seeks Egyptian Presidency - http://www.theblaze.com/stories/glenns-crazy-conspiracy-senior-member-of-egypt%E2%80%99s-muslim-brotherhood-seeks-egypt-presidency-2/



Christianity is the philosophy of love. Christianity teaches "Christian Love" aka 'agape' [selfless love].

The etymology of the word 'philosophy' is philo- "loving" + sophia "knowledge, wisdom,".
The etymology of the word 'Christianity/Christ' is "anointed" from Gk. khristos "the anointed", translation of Heb. mashiah/messiah "anointed" [syn. blessed]

-so 'The Philosophy of Selfless Love' is "The Love of [belief in] The Wisdom of Selfless Love"

The L. term 'drove out' O.E. hæland "healer" ["make whole, sound and well,"] as the preferred descriptive term for Jesus.

An embrace of Christian Morality heals individuals by their own selflessness.

God's poetic machine, the universe.

Meaning being self-apparent; God is good, and the good in life is god's purpose; creation its vessel. 

The purpose of life being life, synonymous with equitably mutual freedom by natural law, [its moral incarnation the Golden Rule] the right of property ownership beyond subsistence reaped from effort sewn is an extension of self ownership, intrinsic to life/freedom.