
Polls And Statistics

Obama Approval Most Polarized of last 6 Presidents


34% of 3,154 Direct Quotes (from among 15,000 writings surveyed [from between 1760 to 1805]) were found to come from the Bible

"The Origins of Amerian Constitutionalism" (1988) by Donald Lutz Page 136-149, [citing a 1984 paper where lutz and Hyneman analyze 15,000 writings from between 1760-1805]

Project For Excellence in Journalism:
Four Times More Journalists Identify as Liberal Than Conservative Sep-Dec 2007

Inconvenient Book
 I told you earlier about the study in which 87% of professors at elite US colleges are self-proclaimed liberals, but that statistic is only frightening if those political views seep into their teachings. So, do they? Yes. According to a survey commissioned by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni conducted at the university of Connecticut, almost half of students said that their professors use the classroom to present their personal political views or "frequently comment on politics in class even though it has nothing to do with the course," while almost a third said that they feel they "have to agree with the professors' political or social views in order to get a good grade." 




By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.

The disparity is even more pronounced at the most elite schools, where, according to the study, 87 percent of faculty are liberal and 13 percent are conservative.
"What's most striking is how few conservatives there are in any field," said Robert Lichter, a professor at George Mason University and a co-author of the study. "There was no field we studied in which there were more conservatives than liberals or more Republicans than Democrats. It's a very homogenous environment, not just in the places you'd expect to be dominated by liberals."
Religious services take a back seat for many faculty members, with 51 percent saying they rarely or never attend church or synagogue and 31 percent calling themselves regular churchgoers.


The New England Journal of Medicine 
If "Obama-Care" passes 1/3rd (29.2%) of Doctors will quit.

WHOm Are They Kidding? by Glen Whitman March 10th 2008
62.5% of World Health Organization's Health Care Ranking System (That ranks our [USA] Health Care at 38th,) encompasses factors only tenuously connected to the quality of care that can actually punish a country's ranking for superior performance!

"Health Level," defined as a country's disability-adjusted life expectancy. AND "Health Responsiveness," which includes desirable characteristics of healthcare like speed of service, protection of privacy, and quality of amenities, make up only 37.5% of each country's score!

The Center For Arms Control And Non-Proliferation,  
Global Military Spending (2008)

Latin America: $39-B (3%)
Russia: $70-B (5%)
Middle East/North Africa: $82-B (6%)
East Asia/Australasia: $120-B (8%)
China: $122-B (8%)
Europe: $289-B (20%)
Central/South Asia: $30-B (2%)
Sub -Saharan Africa: $10-B (1%)
United States of America: $711-B (47%)


53% disapprove of Obama (Oct 21, 2009)


US Government Spending.com_20th_Century_Chart
Govt control of the Economy (as percentage of the GDP)  
Bush 33%, Obama's 45%

The Heritage Foundation
Obama has Quadrupled The Deficit


CNN Poll 
73% do not want Obamacare as it sits today 
Feb 12th-18th 2010 CNN broadcast on 2-24-10


CPAC Straw Poll
Straw Poll Ron Paul 31% February 18–20, 2010 (CPAC Notorious for Young Crowds)


CNN Poll
Government Is Broken 86% Feb 21st 2010


72% Support U.S. Troops on the Border (16% say no) April 1, 2010

FOX News Poll March 14-17 2010
65% Federal Govt. Too Big, 
30% Comfortable with Size & Role

FOX News Poll March 16-17-2010
Is it possible for the Nation's Economy to Collapse?
79% Yes
18% No

CBS News Poll
Should Republicans Continue To Challenge The Health Care Bill?
Yes 62%
No 33%


The Bureau of Economic Administration

In 1950, spending on social services by the U.S. Govt. was 33.4% of total federal government expendatures.  
Today it’s 61.3%

April 2010


 April 2010
  • According to an analysis of Federal Election Commission records by the Center for Responsive Politics, the 2008 Obama campaign received $12.6 million from Wall Street "Securities and Investment" firms versus McCain's $7.9 million
  • The top three corporate employers of donors to Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Rahm Emanuel were Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and JPMorgan
  • Employees of Lehman Brothers alone gave Obama $370,000, compared to about $117,000 to McCain.
  • Since 1998, the financial sector has given a total of $37.6 million to Obama, compared to $32.1 million to McCain. But Obama ran for his first national office only in 2004. So McCain got less from the financial industry in a decade that included two runs for president, than Obama did in four years.

The CATO Institute (Video) 

There are more than 70,000 pages of US tax law, 
up 50% in just the last decade

Rasmussen Reports - 70% of Arizona Voters Favor New State Measure Cracking Down On Illegal Immigration {LINK}
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

70% of likely voters in Arizona approve of the legislation, while just 23% oppose it.

Arizonans consistently have been critical of the U.S. government’s failure to secure the border with Mexico, and that anxiety has increased with growing drug violence along the border. 

Eighty-four percent (84%) of Arizona Republicans and 69% of voters not affiliated with either major party in the state favor the new get-tough legislation. Democrats are more closely divided: 51% like the new law, but 43% oppose it.

The new law puts into state statute some of the policies that have long been practiced by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. But his aggressive enforcement of federal laws against illegal immigration have triggered a Justice Department probe and moves by the Obama administration to reduce his ability to enforce federal immigration laws.

Unemployment for 27 weeks and over from US. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Article: American Thinker


American Thinker

May 19, 2010

Randall Hoven
"The feds assume a relationship between the economy and tax revenue that is divorced from reality. Six decades of history have established one far-reaching fact that needs to be built into fiscal calculations: Increases in federal tax rates, particularly if targeted at the higher brackets, produce no additional revenue... a ratio of federal revenue to GDP of no more than 18.3% would be realistic."
David Ranson, Wall Street Journal.

Source:  David Ranson, Wall Street Journal.  HT: sedonaman.
Hoven's Index for May 19, 2010

Average federal revenues, as % of GDP, over various periods:

1950-59:  17.2%

1960-69:  17.9%

1970-79:  17.9%

1980-89:  18.3%

1990-99:  18.6%

1960-2000:  18.2%

2000-08:  18.2%

Source:  US Government via GPO Access, Table 1.2.

Record Low 41.9% of personal income came from Private Wages,
Record High Govt. benefits, 17.9% - USA Today

American Thinker




CENSUS SPENDING Up 10 Billion Dollars In One Decade


Bloomberg June 4th 2010 (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=ar_thYFiXUk4)

Private payrolls rose by 41,000, Labor Department figures showed today, trailing the 180,000 gain forecast by economists.

Including government workers, employment rose by 431,000, boosted by a jump in hiring of temporary census workers.

The jobless rate fell to 9.7 percent from 9.9 percent.

95% of Jobs 'created' (of the .2% decrease in unemployment) are Government Jobs! (http://www.randpaul2010.com/2010/06/government-jobs-account-for-95-of-job-growth/)

America has 4% of the Population & 25% of the Wealth


Glenn Beck and his Supporters Raises $5.8 Million At 'Restoring Honor' Rally For Special Operations Warrior Foundation, 8-28-2010

UN Survey: Arabs Read Approximately 4 Pages Per Year





GB CPAC; SF Fact Check Rebuttal

My Rebuttal To the San Fransicko Examiner's "Fact Check" and Commentary on Glenn Beck's CPAC Speech

Read the SF article and then my response -
Guess what the San Fran Sicko Examiner has deployed Fact Check Upon!?~No Not ANYTHING in Washington, not even anything in California, Glenn Beck's CPAC Speech
Here's ,my Addressing (if not debunking) of the debunking :D (I don’t exactly have a research staff)
1. Hope For America,

How do you debunk someone's hope? By attacking the man that inspired it! How could Reagan, who left office with a higher GDP Debt, possibly inspire hope for American because debt is bad!? Real journalism and ethics would expound upon why this was. (yeah I'll let better men explain it)

2. Beck doesn’t speak from a Teleprompter, but from the heart,

Yes beck uses a Teleprompter on his TV show (he admits it), However he not only obviously flubs words but asks for details from his producer showing not only no overreliance on it but also is known on the show for tangential monologues. & yes he had a NOTEBOOK for his near hour long speech which he referred to (Several times) IE a few, however he did not remain glued to the podium, nor was his speech written for him. Watch the speech and see how much he uses his notes (he doesn’t have a teleprompter on stage).

 3. Progressivism was Designed to destroy the Constitution.

Ryan Witt ( of the San Fran Sicko Examiner) argues that “Progressive Policies” include the Direct Election of Senators & Women’s Right to vote. Talk about selective memory. I’ll counter With Eugenics (Instituted in the US the sterilization of the “Unfit”), Prohibition (Which basically created Gangsterism in America), Fascism its self (IE Unpatriotic Nationalism and Socialism) The Propaganda Machine that inspired Hitler’s, The NRA (National Recovery Administration), The Treaty of Versailles, The Blue Eagle, The Great Depression, & Third Way Politics (a specific strategy for whittling away the constitution into nothing)

4. The Communist Pamphlet endorsing Progressives as Comrades

Beck quotes “Sections” of a Communist pamphlet, as it describes progressives as comrades, to show the only SUBSTANTIVE Difference in the broad scheme of things between Marxism and progressivism is tactics of Revolution Vs Evolution.

Ryan Witt says you can’t allow “Opponents” to define you, of course his non-sequitur “Beck is a racist if the Ku Klux Klan decides to support him.” presumes Communists to oppose Progressives despite a rich History to the contrary ; progressives distancing themselves from Marxists was largely a differing belief in tactics not by any means the broader scope of ends.

5. Marxism Is Revolution Progressivism is Evolution (To the same Ends)

Beck was speaking in sweeping broad terms (compared with Witt’s interpretation that is), they are both centralized Statist Ideologies. From the perspective a Constitutional Libertarian even if Obama/FDR were aiming for a maximum of say 75% govt CONTROL of the “Factors of Production” it is still STATISM Beck’s very point. I don’t say regulate as the original definition meaning “to Make Regular” DOES NOT APPLY by all standards of measuring progressivism or Obama policies.

6. Van Jones, Self Avowed Communist

There’s tape of Jones saying he was a communist. That is not up for debate (Going by Witt you would think it were).  Addressing Witt’s quote, is that the only ‘Evidence’ of Jones’ “Disavowing Communism”? Govt. Job Banks? Govt. Subsidization of ONE aspect of Energy Industry? Reinvention rather than Reform?  In any case there is no misconstruing Jones as anything but a statist. The whole quote was an obvious political ploy to make it SEEM like there’s “Common Ground” where there isn’t.

7. Progressivism Is A Cancer & Must Be Eradicated

Beck is specifically addressing working within the System to VOTE THEM OUT. I did wince that he was not as explicit as humanly possible (Only 75% so), but not even an insane murderous lunatic would think he is advocating violence if they’re paying enough attention to take what he says seriously enough to compare it with their delusional outlook. It takes a leftist to read violence into Beck’s words who staunch advocate of reform NOT revolution.

8. 40-36-20 America is?

Beck Cites a poll (his numbers are right) on America self described as mostly Conservative BUT 49% are self described “Democrats” (same poll) Of course Beck hates both parties so this has nothing to do with anything. J And then Witt cites a poll says that 65% of Americans support the "progressive" public option in health care reform. Of course Beck’s most recent addressing the issue cites a polling at 26% Pro what is consistently, misleadingly termed “Health Care Reform” seeing as how Tort isn’t even being addressed & is the most likely reform to actually do any GOOD. (not to mention all the pork)

9. Govt. Is Incapable of Job Creation

As Beck points out for every “Govt. Created Job” how many were lost? 16? Or 1600? Well since market forces keep jobs in existence by providing services directly to ppl who HAVE A CHOICE, there is competition & excellence, whilst (I don’t have the numbers) but millions of dollars are funding just a dozen jobs under Obama’s “Stimulus”. Watch Beck for better details. =P

 10. Govt Is Only REEEALLY Supposed To Protect Us From the Bad Guys

Citing the Preamble of the Constitution, Witt lists, Justice, Domestic Tranquility, Common Defense, General Welfare, and Secure Liberty for Ourselves & Posterity supposedly to rebut the generalization. Of course this misconstruement must highlight in the eyes of the educated the difference between the original interpretation of the constitution and the progressive reinterpretation; the main example of which is the phrase “General Welfare” however within the framework & examples of original perspective of the founders I am confident that little else was meant by the terminology than simply put “Protecting us from bad guys” which would include those who would play favorites in Govt. and the prevention of undue skirmishes and conflicts with a uniform law. Duh.

11. Americans Do Not Need “Encouragement” To Be Charitable

Witt cites the tax code that does INDEED “Encourage” Americans to charity however Beck was (to a conservative) OBVIOUSLY alluding to Govt.’s Tax & Redistribute Policies, as well as Volunteerism Propaganda Campaign. Witt then notes the majority of our charity goes to “Places of Worship” in America, (Ignoring that the US gives about more Charity than All other Nations combined) and then cites that building of Churches “[does qualify] but it certainly differs from donations to the Haitian relief fund“. I’d bet my left arm we gave the most to Haiti. And apparently no-one on the left gets that Churches do more than build more churches.

12. “Economic Holocaust Is Coming”

Witt complains beck does not cite any economist saying this, and then pronounces “Many economists project a slow recovery [in the coming years]” But of course beck wasn’t up there to cite sources, he does that in  his books and you can see many interviewed on his show. One such similar warning however did come from one of the VERY few Economists who predicted the Recession IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!~   

13. The Depression of 1921

Witt Admits Beck Is right (again); however he cites Beck blaming Woodrow Wilson (The Anti War Candidate who within a year entered us in The Great War: WWI) saying it was the post war bust that caused it not Wilson… Hmmm

14. Woodrow Wilson Sucks

Witt cites many of the things, (that incidentally I associated with Progressivism previously), as that Beck described Wilson as to blame for. The Intricacies of which can probably be found in books like “Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism” And “American Progressivism” They’re on my Reading List… I’m not the wizard of Oz, but I do vaguely recall there being various ins and outs which do nothing but indict Wilson.

Witt cites the 77% tax as only being on the Uber Rich!~ (I’m pretty sure Beck cited it as a Progressive Tax which ENTAILS THAT ITS ONLY ON THE RICH) Of course any understanding of Economics AT ALL tells us that Poor ppl Don’t Exactly Create Jobs! And Punishing Success Doesn’t exactly get you more of it.

15. Liberal-Progressive Name Switch!

Witt goes after the name switching of “Liberal” with “Progressive” lacking any historical nuance by the blunder of “They’ve always been interchangeable” when there are clear language shifts in history; and then cites that Conservatives don’t call themselves “Right Wing” which is specifically and DIRECTLY because of the leftist False dichotomy - Communist/Fascist Political Spectrum. Both Travesties of Language & History.

16. Harding, Coolidge, and the Roaring 20s

WWI for the US was a war of choice not necessity which was exactly what Wilson used to develop his fascist policies he couldn’t get to work without the war. I would suggest that decreasing Govt. is never easy even when the Dictator’s term & his War Excuse end at the same time.

Beck is a Capitalist, not a Kynesian-ist, so why should he explain the status quo of Keynesians who’ve largely had control of history since FDR?

17. Hoover, Depression Progressive, and The Fed

I suck at Explaining the Fed and Great Depression so Watch Milton Friedman Explain it.

Perhaps there’s not enough on Hoover’s involvement, Check your local Library XD

The Great Depression Was Ongoing DURRING WWII and thus did not its self end it >_> I think… It was the unique monetary position of lending that the Victorious USA had after WWII which substantively got us out of it. Read “New Deal Or Raw Deal”

18. The Statue Of Liberty; Symbol Of…

Witt would seem to presume that the modern attitudes of the French or that what “Most have said” has anything to do with ONE ARTIST’S and ONE POET’S Intent 100 years ago,  …. Mno. And in fact contexts of history would suggest Beck’s is the more accurate & informed perspective. He’s given more details in previous segments of his Fox News TV Show And Presumably on Radio too.

- Watch Glenn's (-Hour Long) CPAC Speech Here


Debunking Anthropogenic Global Warming


Fighting the new religion of global warming
(Rep. Dana Rohrabacher) It really takes a lot to frighten people into accepting ...

31,000 scientists reject "global warming" agenda
(worldnetdaily) There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release ...

Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?
(canadafreepress.com) Global Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't...

Need for a new climate change champion
(canandafreepress.com) Millions of Americans hold this view...

Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe

(canadafreepress.com) "Scientists have an independent obligation to...

Are sunspots prime suspects in global warming?

(csmonitor.com) It's a modern-day climate scuffle William Herschel would...

Climate change as an excuse to 'tax the [bleep] out of us'

(opinionjournal.com) There's a bit of P.T. Barnum in Michael O'Leary, the chief...

Less Than 1/2 of Published Scientists Endorse Global Warming Theory

(dailytech.com) Comprehensive...

Greenland ice yields hope on climate

(boston.com) An international team of scientists, drilling deep into the ice layers of...

Greenland Ice Find Debunks Al Gore’s Global Warming Theories

(newsbusters.org) Just in time for worldwide concerts to draw attention...

PROFILE: ESKE WILLERSLEV: Ancient DNA's Intrepid Explorer

(sciencemag.org) After fending off bears, surviving frostbite, and trapping furs in Siberia...

Hurricane Scientists Flubbed Forecasts for Two Years

(bloomberg.com) Hurricane researchers, who forecast seven more...

Challenge to Scientific Consensus on Global Warming: Analysis Finds Hundreds of Scientists Have Published Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming Fears

(earthtimes.org) A new analysis of peer...

Global warming? It's natural, say experts

(dailymail.co.uk) Global warming is a natural event and the effects are not...

Proliferation of Climate Scepticism in Europe

(tcsdaily.com) Climate scepticism has now gained a firm foothold in various European countries...

CNN Meteorologist: ‘Definitely Some Inaccuracies’ in Gore Film

(newsbusters.org) CNN...


(newsbusters.org) If the founder of...

ABC's global warming hit piece: "Welcome to 'the denial machine'"


Scientist says rising carbon level has little to do with hurricanes

(los angeles times)

Global warming? Look at the numbers - (nationalpost.com)

Green Myths On Global Warming — Debunked

The Global Warming Myth – Debunking Global Warmings 5 Commandments

Facts debunk global warming alarmism

WSJ: Global Warming 300-year-old news

Global Warming Deniers on the Rise

Debunking Climate Change Alarmism: The Average Global Temperature

Washington Times - AGW MYTH

Global Climate Explained Solar Cycles, Not CO2, Determine Climate

Warmist conspiracy exposed by Andrew Bolt 11-20-09

CRU’s Tree-Ring Circus Who peer-reviews the peer-reviewers? By Mark Steyn November 28, 2009

AMERICAN THINKER: Understanding Climategate's Hidden Decline By Marc Sheppard 12-06-09

Penn State Prove Michael Mann Total WhiteWash


Mark Landsbaum: What to say to a global warming alarmist

Industry study: US will lose over $2 trillion in 20 years in drilling ban

Series of missteps by climate scientists threatens climate-change agenda

The global warming scandal of the century deepens By Michelle Malkin • February 15, 2010 09:17 AM

CRU's Former Head Phil Jones: Well, I Guess Maybe There Hasn't Been Any Warming Since 1995, And Oh Yeah, Maybe The Medieval Warm Period and Subsequent Periods Were Warmer Than Things Are Now 


NASA data shows ocean's cooling
(Examiner.com) Two separate studies through NASA confirm that since 2003, the world's oceans have been losing heat ...

Blunder: NASA said last month was hottest on record
(london telegraph) A surreal scientific blunder last week ...

Global warming doubters rise because world is . . . cooling
(national post) I began noticing a string of news stories about scientists rejecting the orthodoxy ...

A melting Arctic: Happy news for mankind
(dailytech) Permanent polar ice is a rare phenomenon ...

Fighting the new religion of global warming
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher) It really takes a lot to frighten people into accepting ...

31,000 scientists reject "global warming" agenda
(worldnetdaily) There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release ...
Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?
(canadafreepress.com) Global Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't...

Need for a new climate change champion
(canandafreepress.com) Millions of Americans hold this view...

Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe

(canadafreepress.com) "Scientists have an independent obligation to...

Are sunspots prime suspects in global warming?

(csmonitor.com) It's a modern-day climate scuffle William Herschel would...

Climate change as an excuse to 'tax the [bleep] out of us'

(opinionjournal.com) There's a bit of P.T. Barnum in Michael O'Leary, the chief...

Less Than 1/2 of Published Scientists Endorse Global Warming Theory

(dailytech.com) Comprehensive...

Greenland ice yields hope on climate

(boston.com) An international team of scientists, drilling deep into the ice layers of...

Greenland Ice Find Debunks Al Gore’s Global Warming Theories

(newsbusters.org) Just in time for worldwide concerts to draw attention...

PROFILE: ESKE WILLERSLEV: Ancient DNA's Intrepid Explorer

(sciencemag.org) After fending off bears, surviving frostbite, and trapping furs in Siberia...

Hurricane Scientists Flubbed Forecasts for Two Years

(bloomberg.com) Hurricane researchers, who forecast seven more...

Challenge to Scientific Consensus on Global Warming: Analysis Finds Hundreds of Scientists Have Published Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming Fears

(earthtimes.org) A new analysis of peer...

Global warming? It's natural, say experts

(dailymail.co.uk) Global warming is a natural event and the effects are not...

Proliferation of Climate Scepticism in Europe

(tcsdaily.com) Climate scepticism has now gained a firm foothold in various European countries...

CNN Meteorologist: ‘Definitely Some Inaccuracies’ in Gore Film

(newsbusters.org) CNN...


(newsbusters.org) If the founder of...

ABC's global warming hit piece: "Welcome to 'the denial machine'"

Scientist says rising carbon level has little to do with hurricanes

(los angeles times)

Global warming? Look at the numbers - (nationalpost.com)

Green Myths On Global Warming — Debunked

The Global Warming Myth – Debunking Global Warmings 5 Commandments

Facts debunk global warming alarmism

WSJ: Global Warming 300-year-old news

Global Warming Deniers on the Rise

Debunking Climate Change Alarmism: The Average Global Temperature

Washington Times - AGW MYTH

Global Climate Explained Solar Cycles, Not CO2, Determine Climate

Warmist conspiracy exposed by Andrew Bolt 11-20-09

CRU’s Tree-Ring Circus Who peer-reviews the peer-reviewers? By Mark Steyn November 28, 2009

AMERICAN THINKER: Understanding Climategate's Hidden Decline By Marc Sheppard 12-06-09

Penn State Prove Michael Mann Total WhiteWash


Claim: The Himalayan glaciers could melt away as soon as 2035 rubbish, and the world's top glaciologists knew it. not based on rigorously peer-reviewed science but on an anecdotal report by the World Wildlife Fund.


American Thinker: Understanding Climate-Gate's Hidden Decline December 06, 2009

Climate Research Unit (CRU) chief Phil Jones wrote about using  
“Mike’s Nature Trick” (MNT) to “hide the decline.”


Scientific Consensus Debunked - http://www.nationalcenter.org/NPA177.html 

